2T 143
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 2 143)
Solomon says, “He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool;” Proverbs 28:26. and there are hundreds of such to be found among professors of godliness. Says the apostle: “We are not ignorant of his devices.” 2 Corinthians 2:11. Oh, what art, what skill, what cunning, is exercised to lead the professed followers of Christ to a union with the world by seeking for happiness in the amusements of the world, under the delusion that some good is to be gained! And thus the unguarded walk right into the net, flattering themselves that there is no evil in the way. The affections and sympathies of such are wrought upon, and this lays a slim foundation upon which they build their confidence that they are the children of God. They compare themselves with others and settle down satisfied that they are even better than many true Christians. But where is the deep love of Christ shining forth in their lives, its bright rays blessing others? Where is their Bible? and how much is it studied? Where are their thoughts? Are they upon heaven and heavenly things? It is not natural for their minds to go forth in that direction. The study of God’s word is uninteresting to them. It does not possess that which excites and fevers the mind, and the natural, unrenewed heart prefers some other book to the word of God. Their attention is engrossed in self. They have no deep, earnest longings for the influence of the Spirit of God upon the mind and heart. God is not in all their thoughts. (2T 143.1) MC VC