2SM 331
(Selected Messages Book 2 331)
At nine o’clock we meet in the large tent with a few of the brethren to talk over the matter which is constantly urged upon us—that of the aged people who have no homes. What will be done with them? (2SM 331.1) MC VC
The light that the Lord has given me was repeated: Let every family take care of its own relatives, making suitable provision for them. If this is not possible, then the church should bear the burden. The Lord will bless His church in exercising benevolence. They are God’s poor, and are not to be left unhappy and destitute. (2SM 331.2) MC VC
If the church cannot do this, then the conference must take it up and make provision for the Lord’s needy ones. Provision should also be made for the orphans. If these cannot be taken care of by their relatives, then the church or the conference must take the care of them, and place them in suitable homes.—Manuscript 151, 1898. (2SM 331.3) MC VC