WM 182
(Welfare Ministry 182)
Every Church Member to Do His Part—The Lord’s people are to be as true as steel to principle. He has pointed out the work devolving on every church member. He declares that the church members are faithfully to do their duty to those within their own borders. They are generously to support their own poor. They are to engage in systematic missionary work, teaching their children to keep the way of the Lord and to do judgment and justice. (WM 182.1) MC VC
But the light which for years has been before the churches has been disregarded. The work that ought to have been done for suffering humanity in every church has not been done. Church members have failed to heed the word of the Lord, and this has deprived them of an experience they should have gained in gospel work.—The Review and Herald, March 4, 1902. (WM 182.2) MC VC
The poor and the needy are to be cared for. These must not be neglected, at whatever cost or sacrifice to ourselves.—The Youth’s Instructor, August 26, 1897. (WM 182.3) MC VC
The Church to Bear the Burden—The churches that have the poor among them should not neglect their stewardship and throw the burden of the poor and sick upon the sanitarium. All the members of the several churches are responsible before God for their afflicted ones. They should bear their own burdens. If they have sick persons among them, whom they wish to be benefited by treatment, they should, if able, send them to the sanitarium. In doing this they will not only be patronizing the institution which God has established but will be helping those who need help, caring for the poor as God requires us to do.—Testimonies for the Church 4:551. (WM 182.4) MC VC