TMK 228.2
(That I May Know Him 228.2)
“Wherefore didst thou doubt?” said Christ to the sinking Peter. The same question may be addressed to us.... The Lord has pledged Himself to give us strength to enable us to stand. As we search the Scriptures we find ground for confidence, provision for sufficiency. It is our privilege to say boldly, yet humbly, “The Lord is my helper, therefore I shall not be moved from my steadfastness. My life is hid with Christ in God.” Because He lives, I shall live also. Let us pledge ourselves before God and the angels of heaven that we will not dishonor God by speaking words of discouragement or unbelief.... Close the door to distrust and open the door wide to faith. Invite into the soul temple the heavenly Guest. (TMK 228.2) 2 I MC VC