UL 126.5
(The Upward Look 126.5)
Upon all who consecrate themselves to God as laborers together with Him is laid the responsibility of guarding the interests of His cause and work. They are to live the truth which they claim to believe. They are to keep Christ constantly before them as their Pattern, and by their good works cause praise to flow forth from hearts hungering and thirsting for the Bread of Life. Not only are they to minister to the spiritual need of those they are seeking to win for Christ, [but] they are to supply their temporal necessities. This work of mercy and love is ever presenting itself, and by faithfully doing it, God’s servants are to show what the truth has done for them. They are to be faithful stewards, not only of gospel truth, but of all the blessings God has given them. Not only are they to speak words of sympathy, [but] by their deeds they are to demonstrate the reality of their sympathy and love.—Manuscript 20, 1900. Written April 22, 1894, untitled manuscript. (UL 126.5) MC VC