AH 387
(The Adventist Home 387)
Give Lessons in Money Values—Money which comes to the young with but little effort on their part will not be valued. Some have to obtain money by hard work and privation, but how much safer are those youth who know just where their spending money comes from, who know what their clothing and food costs, and what it takes to purchase a home! (AH 387.1) MC VC
There are many ways in which children can earn money themselves and can act their part in bringing thank offerings to Jesus, who gave His own life for them.... They should be taught that the money which they earn is not theirs to spend as their inexperienced minds may choose, but to use judiciously and to give to missionary purposes. They should not be satisfied to take money from their father or mother and put it into the treasury as an offering, when it is not theirs. They should say to themselves, “Shall I give of that which costs me nothing?” (AH 387.2) MC VC
There is such a thing as giving unwise help to our children. Those who work their way through college appreciate their advantages more than those who are provided with them at someone else’s expense, for they know their cost. We must not carry our children until they become helpless burdens. (AH 387.3) MC VC
Parents mistake their duty when they freely hand out money to any youth who has physical strength to enter on a course of study to become a minister or a physician before he has had an experience in useful, taxing labor. (AH 387.4) MC VC