TDG 275.4
(This Day With God 275.4)
“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). How would they see God?—in the way that Enoch saw Him. They had the privilege of walking and talking with God. By faith Enoch lived in the presence of God three hundred years. By faith he saw the faith of Jesus. He was taken into special favor with Him. The priests and rulers needed just such an experience as Enoch had. They needed a continual sense of the presence of God. O what riches of grace the Lord longed to bestow upon the favored people of God. It is represented in the call to the supper prepared for them, “All things are ready: come” (chap. 22:4).—Manuscript 96, September 23, 1897, “The Jew’s Rejection of Christ.” (TDG 275.4) MC VC