3SM 367
(Selected Messages Book 3 367)
It is when the singing is extemporaneous—dictated by the Spirit—that it is the most wonderful. (3SM 367.1) MC VC
If you have any light for us ... (3SM 367.2) MC VC
Ellen G. White: I do not know that I have anything special that I could say. There will be things that will transpire at the very close of this earth’s history, it has been presented to me, similar to some of the things that you have represented; but I cannot say anything on these points now. (3SM 367.3) MC VC
R. Mackin: Is there any question, Brother White, or anything now? (3SM 367.4) MC VC
W. C. White: I do not know as there is anything more than to pray that the Lord will give Mother some word, and then take time for matters to develop. It is better, in presenting anything to her, to present the subject briefly and clearly, and then perhaps have another interview with her later on. (3SM 367.5) MC VC
R. Mackin: We are fasting and praying. If we are in a delusion, we want to know it, just as much as if we were in the right. (3SM 367.6) MC VC
Mrs. Mackin: Our brethren certainly think that we are in a delusion. (3SM 367.7) MC VC
Ellen G. White: What place was this that you speak of, where this singing was? (3SM 367.8) MC VC
R. Mackin: Mansfield, Ohio, at the camp meeting. (3SM 367.9) MC VC
Ellen G. White: Our people—Sabbathkeeping people? (3SM 367.10) MC VC
R. Mackin: Yes, our own people. (3SM 367.11) MC VC
W. C. White: Was that verse that Mrs. Mackin sang last night extemporaneous or a known hymn? [At the prayer meeting in the sanitarium chapel Brother Mackin had given his testimony in the praise service and was followed by Mrs. Mackin, who sang.] (3SM 367.12) MC VC
Mrs. R. Mackin: Oh, that was one of our published hymns. It is in the new Christ in Song. (3SM 367.13) MC VC
R. Mackin: From hearing that you could scarcely gain an idea of her singing when the words are given to her by the Holy Spirit. The most wonderful thing is when she sings “Glory!” She says when she sings it she seems to be in the presence of Jesus, with the angels. She repeats the word “Glory!” over and over again. She has been tested with the piano, and musicians say it is a freak—the lowness and the highness with which she does it. She cannot do it only as she prays in the Spirit and special power comes upon her. (3SM 367.14) MC VC