WM 76
(Welfare Ministry 76)
Work disinterestedly, lovingly, patiently, for all with whom you are brought in contact. Show no impatience. Utter not one unkind word. Let the love of Christ be in your hearts, the law of kindness on your lips.—The Review and Herald, August 7, 1913. (WM 76.1) MC VC
Using Our Holidays to Run Errands for the Lord—There are other lines of work. Some are capable of reading the Scriptures and communicating to others that which we believe. These may be channels of light and a precious comfort to some poor discouraged souls who seem to be unable to grasp hope and exercise faith. Others should search and study how they can be doing errands for the Lord. If those whose employment takes the most of their time, excepting Sundays or holidays, instead of spending this time in their own pleasure, use it in blessing others, they will be of service in the cause of God. Your example will help others to do something that will tell to the glory of God. Heed the words of the inspired apostle, “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” Thus a living principle will be brought into your daily active life, of being good and doing good.... (WM 76.2) MC VC
It will not be possible for all to give their whole time to the work, because of the labor they must do to earn their daily living. Yet these have their holidays and times that they can devote to Christian work, and do good in this way if they cannot give much of their means.—Letter 12, 1892. (WM 76.3) MC VC
The hours so often spent in amusement that refreshes neither body nor soul should be spent in visiting the poor, the sick, and the suffering, or in seeking to help someone who is in need.—Testimonies for the Church 6:276. (WM 76.4) MC VC