Ev 644
(Evangelism 644)
What is the object of the ministry? Is it to mix the comical with the religious? The theater is the place for such exhibitions. If Christ is formed within, if the truth with its sanctifying power is brought into the inner sanctuary of the soul, you will not have jolly men, neither will you have sour, cross, crabbed men to teach the precious lessons of Christ to perishing souls.—Letter 15, 1890. (Ev 644.1) MC VC
Walking Circumspectly—All the sang-froid, which is so common, the theatrical gestures, all lightness and trifling, all jesting and joking, must be seen by the one who wears Christ’s yoke to be “not convenient”(Ephesians 5:4)—an offense to God and a denial of Christ. It unfits the mind for solid thought and solid labor. It makes men inefficient, superficial, and spiritually diseased.... (Ev 644.2) MC VC
Let every minister be sedate. As he studies the life of Christ he will see the necessity of walking circumspectly. Yet he may be, and will be, if connected with the Sun of Righteousness, cheerful and happy, showing forth the praises of Him who hath called him out of darkness into His marvelous light. The conversation will be pure, entirely free from all slang phrases.—Manuscript 8a, 1888. (Ev 644.3) MC VC
Application to the Work VC
Devotion to His Work—Christ was absorbed in the work that He came to perform. His devotion to the work of saving the lost race was manifest on all occasions.—Manuscript 132, 1902. (Ev 644.4) MC VC
Worker’s Heart Service—Take up this work as the Lord’s work, doing it with thoughtfulness and patience. This is real service, which the Master will approve. Work with a clear sense of the obligation resting upon you, knowing that angels of God are present, to set the seal of heaven on faithfulness, and to condemn unfaithfulness in any form. (Ev 644.5) MC VC