MM 160
(Medical Ministry 160)
Dr.-----has a desire to do large things. He is in danger of spending his energies outside the sanitarium, instead of devoting all his powers to making the institution a power in connection with the gospel message and the Sabbath reform. Dr.-----needs to place himself where he will understand the truth for this time. This is his only safety as a physician. He needs to have his feet shod with the preparation of the gospel. (MM 160.1) MC VC
He is in danger of becoming confused and of failing to see the elevated, holy influence which the Sabbath question is to exert on the work for this time. He will consider it necessary to do on the Sabbath many things which should not be done on that day. If he seeks to embrace so many responsibilities, he will come to pay very little regard to the Sabbath. Such an influence will be a curse to the institution. Those who are connected with our sanitariums are to be taught to regard the Sabbath question as the great test for this time. God desires His people to bind medical missionary work up with the work of the third angel’s message. This is the work that will restore the moral image of God in man....[See Observance of Sabbath, Section 11.] (MM 160.2) MC VC
Greater Power in Truth than in Worldly Show VC
Dr.-----is not to study how he can best meet the requirements of the world. He is not to pattern after the world in his appearance and equipage, flattering himself that this is the way to meet the higher classes. The gospel forbids the cherishing of worldly ideas. You may ask where. I point you to the life of Christ. Think of what He was before He came to our world—Commander of all the heavenly intelligences. How did He come to this earth? We know Him as a poor man, who to the very close of His earthly history maintained His humility. The idea that outward show gives influence to a man or his position is one of Satan’s lies. Let no man climb above the methods and example of our Lord. There is no higher standard than the life of Christ. As a people we are to shun the pretense of the world, which has made men and women what they are today. We are not to copy the customs and practices of worldly wisemen in order to gain favor or influence. Christlikeness is true Christianity. In the truth there is a power which no outward appearance or display can give, which no worldly suppositions or opinions can change or alter.— Manuscript 172, 1899. (MM 160.3) MC VC