Ev 403-4
(Evangelism 403-4)
There is a large class of colored people in Denver. Let special efforts be made for them, both by the white and the colored members of the church. Let the missionary spirit be awakened. Let earnest work be done for those who know not the truth.—Letter 84, 1901. (Ev 403.1) MC VC
The Western Cities VC
The Cities of California—There is work to be done in California,—a work that has been strangely neglected. Let this work be delayed no longer. As doors open for the presentation of truth, let us be ready to enter. Some work has been done in the large city of San Francisco, but as we study the field we see plainly that only a beginning has been made. As soon as possible, well-organized efforts should be put forth in different sections of this city, and also in Oakland. The wickedness of San Francisco is not realized. Our work in this city must broaden and deepen. God sees in it many souls to be saved.—Testimonies For The Church 7:110 (1902). (Ev 403.2) MC VC
Shall we not do all in our power to establish the work in the great cities of San Francisco and Oakland, and in all the other cities of California? Thousands upon thousands who live in the cities close by us need help in various ways. Let the ministers of the gospel realize that the Lord Jesus Christ said to His disciples, “Ye are the light of the world.”(Matthew 5:14)—Manuscript 79, 1900. (Ev 403.3) MC VC
Western Tent Meetings—Well-equipped tent meetings should be held in the large cities, such as San Francisco; for not long hence these cities will suffer under the judgments of God. [Note: Written in 1902.] San Francisco and Oakland are becoming as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Lord will visit them in wrath.—Manuscript 114, 1902. (Ev 403.4) MC VC
The Work Will Be Cut Short—San Francisco has been visited with heavy judgments, but Oakland has been thus far mercifully spared. The time will come when our labor in these places will be cut short, therefore it is important that earnest efforts be put forth now to proclaim to their inhabitants the message of the Lord for them.—Manuscript 25, 1908. (Ev 404.1) MC VC
A Warning to San Francisco Workers—The work going forward in San Francisco is a good work. But at every step there must be watchfulness and prayer; for many things will come in to confuse and entangle the workers. My brethren, the word has been given me for you, “Watch and pray.” Matthew 26:41; Mark 13:33. Watch lest you stand in the way of the work of God, making an impression that hurts the truth. Adorn your profession by an honest conversation. Cherish the grace of the Holy Spirit, else you will stand as hindrances in the way of the work of God. Make straight paths for your feet, lest the lame be turned out of the way.—Manuscript 105, 1902. (Ev 404.2) MC VC
Bay City Suburbs; Oakland—My soul is filled with remorse—I cannot word it in any other way—that such places as this [Petaluma] should be passed by. Once in a great while a minister has come to speak to the believers, but no effort has been made to place the truth before the people. Why Petaluma should have been neglected is beyond my comprehension. It is so near San Francisco, and yet it might be as far off as Africa as far as any effort to proclaim the truth in it is concerned. (Ev 404.3) MC VC
A work is to be done in and around San Francisco and Oakland. The adjacent towns are to be worked. Oh, I see so much the need of our ministers getting the spirit of the loud cry before it is too late to work for the conversion of souls.—Letter 113, 1902. (Ev 404.4) MC VC