2MCP 767.1
(Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 2 767.1)
Limitation of the Minister’s Counsel to Women—Women have been attracted to you, and have been ready to pour into your ears their private troubles and family disappointments. You ought not to lend an ear to them, but tell them that you are yourself only an erring mortal; that God is their helper. Jesus knows the secrets of every heart, and He can bless and comfort them. Tell them that you might misjudge and be led to encourage evil, rather than reprove it. Point them to “the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” John 1:29. If you will put on the armor and, crossing though it may be, give personal labor just where it is needed, to those who are closing the door against the light of heaven because of their selfishness and covetousness, you may not make so many friends, but you will save souls.—Lt 48, 1888. (2MCP 767.1) MC VC