Ev 378
(Evangelism 378)
Substantial Buildings—Some may ask, Why does Sister White always use the words, “plain, neat, and substantial,” when speaking of buildings? It is because I wish our buildings to represent the perfection God requires from His people. (Ev 378.1) MC VC
“But,” some say, “if the Lord is so soon to come, why do you urge our builders to put the best material into the buildings they erect?” Would we dare to dedicate to God a house made of cheap material, and put together so faultily as to be almost lifted from its foundation when struck by a strong wind? We would be ashamed to put worthless material into a building for the Lord. And I would not advise anyone to put worthless material into a house. It does not pay. The floors of our houses should be made of well-seasoned wood. This will cost a little more, but will in the end save a great deal of vexation. The frame of a building should be well matched and well put together. Christ is our example in all things. He worked at the carpenter’s trade with His father Joseph, and every article He made was well made, the different parts fitting exactly, the whole able to bear test. (Ev 378.2) MC VC
Whatever you do, let it be done as well as upright principles and your strength and skill can do it. Let your work be like the pattern shown you in the mount. The buildings erected will soon be severely tried.—Manuscript 127, 1901. (Ev 378.3) MC VC