Ev 647
(Evangelism 647)
You are in need of vital energy from heaven. We must in our work not only strike the iron when it is hot but make the iron hot by striking. Slow, easy, indolent movements will do nothing for us in this work. We must be instant in season, out of season. These are critical times for work. By hesitation and delay we lose many good opportunities.... (Ev 647.1) MC VC
That which stands most in the way of your performing duty is irresolution, weakness of purpose, indecision. May God help you to gird the armor on, and do your Master’s work.—Letter 13, 1886. (Ev 647.2) MC VC
Diligence—Faithfulness—Obedience to Leadership—The interests of Christ’s kingdom call for diligence and faithfulness in as much greater degree as spiritual and eternal things are of more importance than temporal things. There must be no feeble working, no sluggish, tardy action, for this would imperil our own souls and the souls of others.... (Ev 647.3) MC VC
What general would undertake the command of an army while the officers, under him refused to obey until they had satisfied themselves that his command was a reasonable one? Such a course would mean loss to the entire army. It would weaken the hands of the soldiers. The question would arise in their minds, Is there not a better way? But even though there be a better way, the orders must be obeyed, or defeat and disaster would result. A moment’s delay, and the advantage that would have been gained is lost. (Ev 647.4) MC VC