Ev 433
(Evangelism 433)
Had this work been done earnestly and vigilantly, had the workers perseveringly watched for souls as they that must give an account, many more sheaves would have been the fruit of the seed sown at our camp meetings. (Ev 433.1) MC VC
This work has also been carried on in _____. There are now no less than fifty new Sabbathkeepers as the result of this personal labor, this hunting for souls. Unless the workers appointed by God do the most interested hunting for lost sheep, Satan will succeed in his work of destroying, and souls will be lost that might have been found and restored.—Letter 18, 1898. (Ev 433.2) MC VC
Some Not Reached by the Public Effort—In large cities there are certain classes that cannot be reached by public meetings. These must be searched out as the shepherd searches for his lost sheep. Diligent, personal effort must be put forth in their behalf.—Gospel Workers, 364 (1915). (Ev 433.3) MC VC
To Those Who Will Not Come to the Feast—If they will not come to the gospel feast to which the call of Christ invites them, then God’s messengers must accommodate themselves to the circumstances and bear the message to them in house-to-house labor, thus extending their ministry to the highways and byways, giving the last message to the world.—Letter 164, 1899. (Ev 433.4) MC VC