AH 343
(The Adventist Home 343)
Repent before God for your past course. Come to an understanding, and reunite as husband and wife. Put away the disagreeable, unhappy experience of your past life. Take courage in the Lord. Close the windows of the soul earthward, and open them heavenward. If your voices are uplifted in prayer to heaven for light, the Lord Jesus, who is light and life, peace and joy, will hear your cry. He, the Sun of Righteousness, will shine into the chambers of your mind, lighting up the soul temple. If you welcome the sunshine of His presence into your home, you will not utter words of a nature to cause feelings of unhappiness. (AH 343.1) MC VC
To a Hopelessly Mistreated Wife—I have received your letter, and in reply to it I would say, I cannot advise you to return to D unless you see decided changes in him. The Lord is not pleased with the ideas he has had in the past of what is due to a wife.... If [he] holds to his former views, the future would be not better for you than the past has been. He does not know how to treat a wife. (AH 343.2) MC VC
I feel very sad about this matter. I feel indeed sorry for D, but I cannot advise you to go to him against your judgment. I speak to you as candidly as I spoke to him; it would be perilous for you to again place yourself under his dictation. I had hoped that he would change.... (AH 343.3) MC VC
The Lord understands all about your experiences.... Be of good courage in the Lord; He will not leave you nor forsake you. My heart goes out in tenderest sympathy for you. (AH 343.4) MC VC