UL 47.6
(The Upward Look 47.6)
God is connected with the threads of our existence. He knows every thought of the heart, every action of the life. Then, strive to live in harmony with Him. Seek to reach a high standard.... Heavenly angels will help you, and more than that, Christ will help you. The Prince of life is more interested than anyone else in your salvation. You can do Him honor by showing that you appreciate what He has done for you. You can glorify Him and make the angels glad by revealing in your life that He has not died in vain. Be determined that opposite your names in the books of heaven shall be written the word “Overcomer.” Then all discontent and unhappiness will vanish. Your hearts will be filled with peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.—Manuscript 13, February 2, 1900, “Words to Students.” (UL 47.6) MC VC