TMK 93.4
(That I May Know Him 93.4)
If you are abiding in Christ, learning in His school, you will not be rude, dishonest, or unfaithful. The cross of Christ cuts to the root of all unholy passions and practices. Whatever the nature of your work, you will carry the principles of Christ into your labor and identify yourself with the task given into your hands. Your interest will be one with that of your employer. If you are paid for your time, you will realize that the time for work is not your own, but belongs to the one who pays you for it. If you are careless and extravagant, wasting material, squandering time, failing to be painstaking and diligent, you are registered in the books of heaven as an unfaithful servant.... Faithfulness, economy, caretaking, thoroughness, should characterize all our work.... “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much” (Luke 16:10). (TMK 93.4) MC VC