AG 150.2
(God's Amazing Grace 150.2)
There must be no withholding on our part, of our service or our means, if we would fulfill our covenant with God.... The purpose of all God’s commandments is to reveal man’s duty not only to God, but to his fellow man. In this late age of the world’s history, we are not, because of the selfishness of our hearts, to question or dispute the right of God to make these requirements, or we will deceive ourselves, and rob our souls of the richest blessings of the grace of God. Heart and mind and soul are to be merged in the will of God. Then the covenant, framed from the dictates of infinite wisdom, and made binding by the power and authority of the King of kings and Lord of lords, will be our pleasure.... It is enough that He has said that obedience to His statutes and laws is the life and prosperity of His people. (AG 150.2) MC VC