3SM 123
(Selected Messages Book 3 123)
The 1911 Revision of The Great Controversy VC
The Author Explains What and Why—Sanitarium, Cal., July 25, 1911 (3SM 123) MC VC
Dear Brother [F. M.] Wilcox (3SM 123) MC VC
A few days ago I received a copy of the new edition of the book Great Controversy, recently printed at Mountain View, and also a similar copy printed at Washington. The book pleases me. I have spent many hours looking through its pages, and I see that the publishing houses have done good work. (3SM 123.1) MC VC
The book Great Controversy I appreciate above silver or gold, and I greatly desire that it shall come before the people. While writing the manuscript of Great Controversy, I was often conscious of the presence of the angels of God. And many times the scenes about which I was writing were presented to me anew in visions of the night, so that they were fresh and vivid in my mind. (3SM 123.2) MC VC
Recently it was necessary for this book to be reset, because the electrotype plates were badly worn. It has cost me much to have this done, but I do not complain; for whatever the cost may be, I regard this new edition with great satisfaction. (3SM 123.3) MC VC
Yesterday I read what W. C. White has recently written to canvassing agents and responsible men at our publishing houses regarding this latest edition of Great Controversy, and I think he has presented the matter correctly and well. [See Appendix A for the Ellen G. White-approved W. C. White statements explaining the involvements of revising The Great Controversy In 1911. Appendices B and C present his answers to questions relative to the writing of the great controversy story and explaining how the light came to her, et cetera.—Compilers.] (3SM 123.4) MC VC
When I learned that Great Controversy must be reset, I determined that we would have everything closely examined, to see if the truths it contained were stated in the very best manner, to convince those not of our faith that the Lord had guided and sustained me in the writing of its pages. (3SM 123.5) MC VC