Ev 259, 277, 452
(Evangelism 259, 277, 452)
Driven to a Premature Position—I have been shown that some, especially in _____, make the visions a rule by which to measure all; and have taken a course which my husband and myself have never pursued. Some are unacquainted with me and my labors, and they are very skeptical of anything bearing the name of visions. This is all natural, and can be overcome only by experience. If persons are not settled in regard to the visions, they should not be crowded off. The course to pursue with such may be found in Testimony No. 8 [volume 1, pages 328, 329], which I hope will be read by all. Ministers should have compassion of some, making a difference; others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire. God’s ministers should have wisdom to give to everyone his portion of meat, and to make that difference with different persons which their cases require. The course pursued with some in _____ who are unacquainted with me, has not been careful and consistent. Those who were, comparatively, strangers to the visions, have been dealt with in the same manner as those who have had much light and experience in the visions. Some have been required to indorse the visions when they could not conscientiously do so, and in this way some honest souls have been driven to take positions against the visions and against the body, which they never would have taken had their cases been managed with discretion and mercy.—Testimonies For The Church 1:382, 383 (1863). (Ev 259.1) MC VC
Overcoming the Opposition—The ministers (non-S.D.A.) are opening up their tirade, and against Mrs. White in particular. But this is only hurting themselves.... I am placing Desire of Ages, Great Controversy, Patriarchs and Prophets, and Christ Our Saviour in families; so while the ministers are working against me, I will speak in my writings to the people. I believe souls will be converted to the truth. We are now turning them “to the law and to the testimonies. If they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.”(Isaiah 8:20)—Letter 217, 1899. (Ev 259.2) MC VC
He afterward desired an interview with me, and we had a pleasant visit. His conversation was very interesting, and we had a precious season of prayer together. I believe that he is a servant of God. I gave him my books Great Controversy, Patriarchs and Prophets, and Steps to Christ. He seemed much pleased, said he wanted all the light he could get in order to meet the opponents of our faith. He was baptized before leaving for his home, and will return to present the truth to his own congregation.—Letter 23a, 1893. (Ev 277.1) MC VC
Not Close Communion—Christ’s example forbids exclusiveness at the Lord’s supper. It is true that open sin excludes the guilty. This the Holy Spirit plainly teaches.(1 Corinthians 5:2). But beyond this none are to pass judgment. God has not left it with men to say who shall present themselves on these occasions. For who can read the heart? Who can distinguish the tares from the wheat?—The Desire of Ages, 656 (1898). (Ev 277.2) MC VC
There may come in among you those who are not in heart united with truth and holiness, but who may wish to take part in these services. Forbid them not.—Manuscript 47, 1897. (Ev 277.3) MC VC
With Reverence—Everything connected with it should suggest as perfect a preparation as possible. Every ordinance of the church should be uplifting. They should not be made common or cheap, or placed on a level with common things.... Our churches need to be educated to a higher order of reverence and respect for the sacred service of God.—Manuscript 76, 1900. (Ev 277.4) MC VC
The next time I visited him, he told me that he had read part of Patriarchs and Prophets. He said, “There is not one syllable I could change. Every paragraph speaks right to the soul.” (Ev 452.1) MC VC
I asked Brother _____ which of my large books he considered the most important. He said, “I lend them all to my neighbors, and the hotelkeeper thinks that Great Controversy is the best. But,” he said, while his lips quivered, “I think that Patriarchs and Prophets is the best. It is that which pulled me out of the mire.” (Ev 452.2) MC VC
But suffice it to say, he took his position firmly for the truth. His whole family united with him, and they have been the means of saving other families.—.The General Conference Bulletin, April 5, 1901. (Ev 452.3) MC VC
Chatting With a New Believer About the Work—A woman about forty years of age was introduced to me, who has just decided to obey the truth, in Canterbury. Her husband is in full sympathy with his wife and does everything he can to get her to the meetings. They have a nice little cottage, which they own and which is paid for. She came out to the carriage and talked with us. She said the people in Canterbury are not a churchgoing people, but the tent at _____ has been an advertisement, and they are curious to know what it all means. In this way they are brought out to attend the meetings, and many are interested. You cannot get them into a church or a hall, but the tent they will patronize.... (Ev 452.4) MC VC