CT 451
(Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students 451)
The talent of knowledge, sanctified and put to use in the Master’s service, is never lost. A self-sacrificing effort to do good will be crowned with success. “We are laborers together with God.” 1 Corinthians 3:9. The Lord will co-operate with the human worker. To Him is to be given the praise and the glory for what we are able to accomplish. (CT 451.1) MC VC
The Lord is dishonored by the deterioration or the perversion of the talents He has entrusted to men. It is the duty and the privilege of the Christian to improve his talents. Christ gave His life to purchase for men the privilege of being co-workers with God. Yet thousands who have received much light and many opportunities, do not grasp the blessings that are within their reach. (CT 451.2) MC VC
That education only is wholesome and essential which leads to a knowledge of the value that God has placed upon mankind. The students in our schools are to be taught that they are of value in the sight of God, that they have been bought with an infinite price. They should be made to realize the importance of putting to a right use every faculty of the being. They are to put on Christ; then all their powers will be used in persevering, taxing labor in His service. (CT 451.3) MC VC