2SM 247
(Selected Messages Book 2 247)
Mary, repose in God. Wait patiently for the Lord. He will be to you a present help in every time of need. The Lord is good. Praise His Holy name. God loves to have us trust Him, loves to have us have confidence in His promises. Only believe, and we shall see the workings of God.—Letter 71, 1889. (2SM 247.1) MC VC
Battle Creek, Michigan
December 6, 1889
(2SM 247)
Dear Mary (2SM 247) MC VC
We do not forget you, my dear afflicted child. We pray most earnestly for you every day. I have freedom in prayer. We do not forget Brethren [A. D.] Olsen and [J. G.] Matteson and others who are afflicted. We pray; it is all we can do. Then we leave you in humble trust in the hands of One who loves you with a greater love than a mother’s. Cling to Jesus and put your entire trust in Him, for He careth for you and He will not withdraw His hand from you, but will lead you Himself. (2SM 247.2) MC VC
Dear Mary, how pleasant it will be to see the King in His matchless loveliness and be where there is no pain, no sorrow, no sickness, no sadness. I feel so clear that we shall be victorious, and I feel clear that the communication is opened between God and your soul. It seems so sure to me that you have the divine Presence and that Jesus is your constant helper. Oh, He loves you; He loves you, and is looking upon you with pitying tenderness. Never doubt Him for a moment. Commit your case to Him, having faith that He will do for you the very thing that is best for your eternal interest.... (2SM 247.3) MC VC
I pray earnestly for you all every day. The Lord lives, the Lord hears and answers prayer. Look up, my dear child. Look up, be of good courage, trust wholly in the Lord, for He is your helper, your physician, your Saviour.—Letter 75, 1889. (2SM 247.4) MC VC