PM 119.2
(The Publishing Ministry 119.2)
Men of Means to Contribute to Publishing Interests—When Jesus ascended to heaven, He committed His work on earth to His disciples, and bade them carry it forward in His name. As followers of Christ we are to be His representatives among men. The salvation of perishing souls calls for our personal effort and for our means. This should be the great object continually before us. It is to accomplish this that God has intrusted us with means. Let us then render to Him that which is His own. Let the men of means make a freewill offering to God by liberal gifts for our publishing houses and other institutions. These important instrumentalities in the cause of God are heavily burdened and seriously crippled in their work for want of means. There are still debts upon some of our houses of worship. If we would this year deny ourselves, and by our offerings clear these from debt, would it not be pleasing to our heavenly Father? [Written to encourage debt liquidation on churches and institutions at the year-end holiday season.]—The Review and Herald, December 26, 1882. (PM 119.2) MC VC