9T 101-2
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 9 101-2)
Oh, that we might see the needs of these cities as God sees them! At such a time as this every hand is to be employed. The Lord is coming; the end is near, yea, it hasteth greatly! In a little while we shall be unable to work with the freedom that we now enjoy. Terrible scenes are before us, and what we do we must do quickly. (9T 101.1) MC VC
A Motive For Service VC
Recently in the night season I was awakened from sleep and given a view of the sufferings of Christ for men. His sacrifice, the mockery and derision He received at the hands of wicked men, His agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, His betrayal and crucifixion—all were vividly portrayed before me. (9T 101.2) MC VC
I saw Christ in the midst of a large company of people. He was seeking to impress their minds with His teachings. But He was despised and rejected by them. Men were heaping upon Him abuse and shame. My distress was very great as I looked upon the scene. I pleaded with God: “What is to be done with this congregation? Will none give up their exalted opinions of self and seek the Lord as little children? Will none break their hearts before God in repentance and confession?” (9T 101.3) MC VC
There was presented to me Christ’s agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, when the mysterious cup trembled in the Redeemer’s hand. Father, if it be possible,” He prayed, “let this cup pass from Me: nevertheless not as I will, but as Thou wilt.” Matthew 26:39. As He pleaded with the Father, great drops of blood fell from His face to the ground. The elements of darkness were gathered about the Saviour to discourage His soul. (9T 102.1) MC VC
Rising from the ground, Christ went to the place where He had left His disciples, bidding them watch and pray with Him lest they be overcome with temptation. He would see if they understood His agony; He needed their human sympathy. But He found them sleeping. Three times He went thus to them, and each time they were asleep. (9T 102.2) MC VC
Three times the Saviour prayed: “Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me.” Matthew 26:39. It was here that the destiny of a lost world trembled in the balance. Should He refuse to drink the cup, the result would be eternal ruin to the human race. But an angel from heaven strengthened the Son of God to accept the cup and drink its bitter woe. (9T 102.3) MC VC
How few there are who realize that all this was borne for them individually! How few who say: “It was for me, that I might form a character for the future immortal life.” (9T 102.4) MC VC
As these things were presented to me so vividly, I thought, “I shall never be able to present this subject before the people as it is;” and I have given you only a faint representation of what was shown me. As I have thought of that cup trembling in the hands of Christ; as I have realized that He might have refused to drink, and left the world to perish in its sin, I have pledged that every energy of my life should be devoted to the work of winning souls to Him. (9T 102.5) MC VC