MM 125
(Medical Ministry 125)
New Methods VC
It is time for the people of God, those who wear the sign of His kingdom, and whose authority is derived from “It is written,” to work. The world is the field of our labor, and we are to strive to give the last message of mercy to the world. Our every action is being watched with jealous eyes. Be on guard as physicians. You can serve the Lord in your position by working with new methods and discarding drugs. (MM 125.1) MC VC
As reformers we are to reform the medical practice by educating toward the light. Our work is to be done in the full recognition of God. We are to practice the strict principles of mercy and justice. Our work is not to be as a garment put together with basting threads. We must imitate God’s perfection. “Ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.” 1 Corinthians 3:9. We are to make the foundation of every building thorough and solid, as for eternity.— Manuscript 63, 1899. (MM 125.2) MC VC
Represent Upright Principles VC
Honesty, integrity, justice, mercy, love, compassion, and sympathy are embraced in medical missionary work. In all this work the religion of the Bible is to be practiced. The Lord does not want anyone to labor as His representative who follows the wrong customs and practices of worldly physicians in treating suffering humanity. Our physicians need to reform in the matter of making high charges for critical operations. And the reform should extend farther than this. Often an exorbitant sum is charged for even small services, because physicians are supposed to be governed in their charges by the practices of worldly physicians. Some follow worldly policy in order to accumulate means, as they say, for God’s service. But God does not accept such offerings. He says, “I hate robbery for burnt offering.” Isaiah 61:8. Those who deal unjustly with their fellowmen while professing to believe My word, I will judge for thus misrepresenting Me. (MM 125.3) MC VC
As these things were presented before me, my Teacher said: “The institutions that depend upon God and receive His cooperation must ever work according to the principles of His law. To charge a large sum for a few minutes’ work, is not just. Physicians who are under the discipline of the greatest Physician the world ever knew must let the principles of the gospel regulate every fee. Let mercy and love of God be written on every dollar received.” (MM 125.4) MC VC