Ev 113
(Evangelism 113)
Awake, awake, and give to the unconverted evidence that you believe the truth of heavenly origin. Unless you do awake, the world will not believe that you practice the truth that you profess to hold.—Letter 75, 1905. (Ev 113.1) MC VC
The Church Members to Help—The Lord requires that far greater personal effort shall be put forth by the members of our churches. Souls have been neglected, towns and villages and cities have not heard the truth for this time, because wise missionary efforts have not been made.... Our ordained ministers must do what they can, but it must not be expected that one man can do the work of all. The Master has appointed unto every man his work. There are visits to be made, there is praying to be done, there is sympathy to be imparted; and the piety—the heart and hand—of the whole church is to be employed if the work is to be accomplished. You can sit down with your friends, and in a pleasant, social way, talk of the precious Bible faith.—The Review and Herald, August 13, 1889. (Ev 113.2) MC VC
Ministers Enlist Churches in Evangelism—Sometimes ministers do too much; they seek to embrace the whole work in their arms. It absorbs and dwarfs them; yet they continue to grasp it all. They seem to think that they alone are to work in the cause of God, while the members of the church stand idle. This is not God’s order at all.—The Review and Herald, November 18, 1884. (Ev 113.3) MC VC