CSW 180
(Counsels on Sabbath School Work 180)
Maintain Self-control VC
The scholars in your class may be perverse and stubborn, inclined to evil, they may severely test your patience, and yet their hearts are soil into which you may sow heavenly seed that will bear a harvest for good. If the teacher is not imbued with the Spirit of God, he will become discouraged, lose his self-control, and, by an impatient word, by a severe reprimand, may cut off all his influence, and make a failure of his work.—Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work, 44. (CSW 180.1) MC VC
Reprimand, Accusation, Fretting, Useless VC
It will do no good to reprimand, and accuse, and fret at your scholars when they manifest a spirit of unrest and mischievousness. Remember you are to be a patient laborer together with God, and that all heaven is interested in the work you are doing, and any part in the work of God means toil and travail of soul. “Quit you like men, be strong.” 1 Corinthians 16:13. Ask of your Master, who submitted to humiliation, and who endured the death of the cross, what He would have you to do. Take all your entrusted talents with you into the work, and put them out to “the exchangers.” Matthew 5:27. Through the grace of Christ you will be able to do a precious work for the Master. The wealth of divine resources is at your command, and through prayer and faith you may lay hold on the promises of God, and appropriate them to your need. (CSW 180.2) MC VC