Ev 275
(Evangelism 275)
The Purpose of the Ordinance of Service—Reconciliation one with another is the work for which the ordinance of feet washing was instituted. By the example of our Lord and Master, this humiliating ceremony has been made a sacred ordinance. Whenever it is celebrated, Christ is present by His Holy Spirit. It is this Spirit that brings conviction to hearts. (Ev 275.1) MC VC
As Christ celebrated this ordinance with His disciples, conviction came to the hearts of all save Judas. So we shall be convicted as Christ speaks to our hearts. The fountains of the soul will be broken up. The mind will be energized, and, springing into activity and life, will break down every barrier that has caused disunion and alienation. Sins that have been committed will appear with more distinctness than ever before; for the Holy Spirit will bring them to our remembrance. The words of Christ, “If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them,”(John 13:17) will be clothed with new power.—The Review and Herald, November 4, 1902. (Ev 275.2) MC VC
Test of the Heart—This ordinance of feet washing was made a religious service.... It was given as something to test and prove the loyalty of the children of God. When modern Israel observes the sacramental ordinance, this ceremony should precede the partaking of the emblems of the Lord’s death. (Ev 275.3) MC VC
This ordinance was given for the benefit of Christ’s disciples. And Christ meant all that He said when His lips uttered the words, “I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.... If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.” John 13:15, 17. He designed by this to test the true state of the heart and mind of those who participated therein.—Manuscript 8, 1897. (Ev 275.4) MC VC
For All Time in Every Country—In the place of the national festival which the Jewish people had observed, He instituted a memorial service, the ordinance of feet washing and the sacramental supper, to be observed through all time by His followers in every country. These should ever repeat Christ’s act, that all may see that true service calls for unselfish ministry.—The Signs of the Times, May 16, 1900. (Ev 275.5) MC VC