FLB 22.4
(The Faith I Live By 22.4)
The table has been spread, and Christ invites you to the feast. Shall we stand back, refusing bounties, and declaring, “He does not mean this for me?” We used to sing a hymn that described a feast where a happy household gathered to partake of the bounties of the board at a kind father′s invitation. While the happy children gathered at the table, there stood a hungry beggar child at the threshold. She was invited to come in; but sadly she turned away, exclaiming, “I have no father there.” Will you take this position as Jesus invites you in? Oh! if you have a Father in the courts above, I entreat you to reveal the fact. He wants to make you a partaker of His rich bounties and blessings. All who come with the confiding love of a little child will find a Father there. (FLB 22.4) MC VC