HP 11.2
(In Heavenly Places 11.2)
How can we understand God? How are we to know our Father? We are to call Him by the endearing name of Father. And how are we to know Him and the power of His love? It is through diligent search of the Scriptures. We cannot appreciate God unless we take into our souls the great plan of redemption. We want to know all about these grand problems of the soul, of the redemption of the fallen race. It is a wonderful thing that after man had violated the law of God and separated himself from God, was divorced, as it were, from God—that after all this there was a plan made whereby man should not perish, but that he should have everlasting life.... God gave His only-begotten Son to die for us.... When our minds are constantly dwelling upon the matchless love of God to the fallen race, we begin to know God, to become acquainted with Him.... (HP 11.2) MC VC