AH 216
(The Adventist Home 216)
Chapter 35—Sharing the Burdens VC
Father’s Duty Cannot Be Transferred—The father’s duty to his children cannot be transferred to the mother. If she performs her own duty, she has burden enough to bear. Only by working in unison can the father and mother accomplish the work which God has committed to their hands. (AH 216.1) MC VC
The father should not excuse himself from his part in the work of educating his children for life and immortality. He must share in the responsibility. There is obligation for both father and mother. There must be love and respect manifested by the parents for one another, if they would see these qualities developed in their children. (AH 216.2) MC VC
The father should encourage and sustain the mother in her work of care by his cheerful looks and kind words. (AH 216.3) MC VC
Try to help your wife in the conflict before her. Be careful of your words, cultivate refinement of manners, courtesy, gentleness, and you will be rewarded for so doing. (AH 216.4) MC VC
Tender Ministration Will Lighten the Mother’s Load—Whatever may be his calling and its perplexities, let the father take into his home the same smiling countenance and pleasant tones with which he has all day greeted visitors and strangers. Let the wife feel that she can lean upon the large affections of her husband—that his arms will strengthen and uphold her through all her toils and cares, that his influence will sustain hers—and her burden will lose half its weight. Are the children not his as well as hers? (AH 216.5) MC VC