TDG 300.2
(This Day With God 300.2)
If the mind is educated to contemplate heavenly things, the appetite will not be satisfied with that which is cheap and common. We must bear in mind that the Lord is prepared to do great things for us, but we must be prepared to receive these things by emptying from the heart all self-sufficiency and self-confidence. The Lord alone is to be exalted. “Them that honour me,” He says, “I will honour” (1 Samuel 2:30). We need not be on the strain for recognition, for “the Lord knoweth them that are his.” Those who do not put confidence in themselves, but look with distrust upon their own work, are the ones to whom the Lord will reveal His glory. They will make the best use of the blessings received. All who drink of the pure streams of Lebanon, will have the water of life springing up in them, and this cannot be repressed.... (TDG 300.2) MC VC