UL 282.5
(The Upward Look 282.5)
As a people we are looking for our Lord to come in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. How careful should we be to examine ourselves to see whether we be in the faith. There seems to be a mist hanging before the eyes of many that they cannot really discern spiritual things and the workings of Satan which threaten to entrap and ruin us. Christians will not be the slaves of passions; they will be controlled by the Spirit of Christ. When they get into perplexity they will not lose patience and faith and hope. The Lord Jesus has helped us out of peril and oppressive difficulties and perplexities hitherto, and He can help us out of our present trials.—Manuscript 20, September 25, 1887, a talk given at a workers’ meeting in Grand Rapids, Michigan. (UL 282.5) MC VC