1T 620
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 1 620)
I saw that my husband would be inclined to shrink from making efforts in accordance with his faith. Fear and anxiety in regard to his own case have made him timid. He looks at appearances, at disagreeable feelings of the body. Said the angel: “Feeling is not faith. Faith is simply to take God at His word.” I saw that in the name and strength of God my husband must resist disease and, by the power of his will, rise above his poor feelings. He must assert his liberty, in the name and strength of Israel’s God. He must cease thinking and talking about himself as much as possible. He should be cheerful and happy. (1T 620.1) MC VC
I did see, December 25, 1865, as I have many times before seen, that Elder F had often erred and had done much harm by a rash, unfeeling course toward those whom he supposed to be in fault. I had often seen that his work was in new fields, and that when he should bring out a company upon the present truth he should leave the work of disciplining them to others, as his style of dealing, arising from his rash spirit, his lack of patience and of judgment, disqualified him for this work. I will here give the testimony which I had for Brother F, written December 26, 1865, to show what I did see in his case and because of the general application of much of the testimony and also because he has made no response whatever, only in stating to others that the Lord in that view reproved my husband for cutting and slashing. I would here state that another object in giving the following testimony is that our brethren may more fully understand that Brother F’s work is in new fields, and that they may not place temptations in his way to leave his work, by urging him to labor here and there among the churches, or to settle here or there. (1T 620.2) MC VC