Ev 89
(Evangelism 89)
Converted Souls to Provide Means—As men and women are brought into the truth in the cities, the means will begin to come in. As surely as honest souls will be converted, their means will be consecrated to the Lord’s service, and we shall see an increase of our resources.—Manuscript 53, 1909. (Ev 89.1) MC VC
Build Up a Reserve Fund—Evangelistic work is not to be carried on in the selfish, self-exalted manner in which Elder _____ has carried it on. The means that come into the hands of the workers in the Lord’s cause belong to God and are to be used in an economical manner. When large sums of money are given to the work, let a portion of the means be laid by; for there will be emergencies to meet in the Lord’s great vineyard.—Letter 149, 1901. (Ev 89.2) MC VC
Wise Management in New Fields—There is great importance attached to the starting in right at the beginning of our work. I have been shown that the work in _____ has been bound about without making that decided advancement that it might have made if the work had commenced right. Far more might have been done with different modes of management, and there would have been less means actually taken from the treasury. We have a great and sacred trust in the elevated truths committed to us.—Letter 14, 1887. (Ev 89.3) MC VC