UL 117.4
(The Upward Look 117.4)
God gave His only begotten Son to die for a race of rebels, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Why should we not walk and work in the way that God has marked out? Why should anyone please the enemy by tearing down another’s work, using the powers God has given him to kill hope and drive souls into discouragement? In every church there are young men and young women who need the help of a strong, compassionate handclasp; of a loving, Christlike interest that will not let them go. Let there be an end to bickering over little things. Let unkind speeches go as a hateful, unprofitable thing. Cease to speak words that do no good, and come close to those who have erred. Take hold of them, and draw them to Christ. Tell Satan that he cannot have them, for they are the Saviour’s property.... (UL 117.4) MC VC