Te 131
(Temperance 131)
“Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from Mine ordinances, and have not kept them. Return unto Me, and I will return unto you, saith the Lord of hosts. But ye said, Wherein shall we return?” Malachi 3:7. (Te 131.1) MC VC
If any of you find others who are in uncertainty as to what they should do, you are to show them. Everyone should be engaged in the work of soulsaving. Everyone should be prepared to give instruction in regard to the science of salvation.—Manuscript 38 1/2, 1905. (Te 131.2) MC VC
Be Compassionate and Sympathetic—Let us seek to understand how to reach the people. There is no better way to do this than to be compassionate and sympathetic. If you know of those who are sick and in need of assistance, help them, try to relieve them in their distress. As you do this work, the power of the Lord will speak through it to the soul.—The General Conference Bulletin, April 23, 1901. (Te 131.3) MC VC
Win by Sympathy and Love—Persons are attracted by sympathy and love; and many may thus be won to the ranks of Christ and reform; but they cannot be forced or driven. Christian forbearance, candor, consideration, and courtesy toward all who do not see the truth as we do, will exert a powerful influence for good. We must learn not to move too fast, and require too much of those who are newly converted to the truth.—Manuscript 1, 1878. (Te 131.4) MC VC
Encouragement of Little Attentions—In all our associations it should be remembered that in the experience of others there are chapters sealed from mortal sight. On the pages of memory are sad histories that are sacredly guarded from curious eyes. There stand registered long, hard battles with trying circumstances, perhaps troubles in the home life, that day by day weaken courage, confidence, and faith. Those who are fighting the battle of life at great odds may be strengthened and encouraged by little attentions that cost only a loving effort. To such the strong, helpful grasp of the hand by a true friend is worth more than gold or silver. Words of kindness are as welcome as the smile of angels.—The Ministry of Healing, 158. (Te 131.5) MC VC