TDG 99.3
(This Day With God 99.3)
Let the righteousness of Christ, with its life-giving influence, into the soul, and then you can sing, He forgiveth all our iniquities. You say, I am full of spiritual disease. The great Physician is calling you to come to Him, that He may heal you. He healeth all our diseases. The worst of these diseases are envy, jealousy, evil-surmising, evil-speaking, a desire to follow plans that counterwork the work of God. The lives of all ought to be holy, but they are full of depravity, and because of this, men are easy subjects for Satan’s temptations. But if Christ abides in your heart, you can say, He redeemeth our life from destruction: He crowneth us with lovingkindness and tender mercy. Then let songs of praise be upon our lips and in our heart. Meditate upon Christ’s sufferings for us. In the place of watching to find something to accuse and condemn in others, thank the Lord that there is forgiveness with Him. Christ is grieved when we criticize and accuse; for this is the work of Satan. Let us draw water from the wells of salvation, and praise the Lord. (TDG 99.3) MC VC