2BC 1033-4
(S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 2 1033-4)
4-11. Luxury, Wine, Idolatrous Women, Defeat Solomon—Solomon, under all his honors, walked wisely and firmly in the counsels of God for a considerable time; but he was overcome at length by temptations that came through his prosperity. He had lived luxuriously from his youth. His appetite had been gratified with the most delicate and expensive dainties. The effects of this luxurious living, and the free use of wine, finally clouded his intellect, and caused him to depart from God. He entered into rash and sinful marriage relations with idolatrous women (The Health Reformer, April, 1878). (2BC 1033.1) MC VC
9-12 (2 Kings 14:21). Solomon′s Influence on His Children—It was this prophecy of impending ruin that had awakened the apostate king as from a dream, and had led him to repent, and to seek to stay, so far as possible, the terrible tide of evil that during the later years of his reign had been rising high and still higher. But at the time of his repentance, only a few years of life remained to him, and he could not hope to avert the consequences of long years of wrong-doing. His course of evil had set in operation influences that afterward he could never fully control. (2BC 1033.2) MC VC
Especially was this the case in the training of the children born to him through marriage with idolatrous women. Rehoboam, the son whom Solomon chose to be his successor, had received from his mother, an Ammonitess, a stamp of character that led him to look upon sin as desirable. At times he endeavored to serve God, and was granted a measure of prosperity; but he was not steadfast, and at last he yielded to the influences for evil that had surrounded him from infancy (The Review and Herald, July 3, 1913). (2BC 1033.3) MC VC
Chapter 12 VC
25-33. Danger in Manifesting Jeroboam′s Spirit—Men today are in danger of manifesting the same spirit that Jeroboam manifested, and of doing a work similar in character to the work that he did. His plans, put into operation, led the children of Israel away from God into idolatry, and they performed and permitted terrible evils. The Judge of all the earth will lay to the charge of Jeroboam the awful results of his course. And to the charge of those who follow his example will be laid the results of their wrong course (Letter 113, 1903). (2BC 1033.4) MC VC
Chapter 13 VC
11-19. God Alone Can Countermand His Orders—The man of God had been fearless in delivering his message of rebuke. He had not hesitated to denounce the king′s false system of worship. And he had refused Jeroboam′s invitation, even though promised a reward. But he allowed himself to be over-persuaded by the one who claimed to have a message from heaven. (2BC 1033.5) MC VC
When the Lord gives a man a command such as He gave this messenger, He Himself must countermand the order. Upon those who turn from the voice of God to listen to counter orders, the threatened evil will come. Because this messenger obeyed false orders, God permitted him to be destroyed (Manuscript 1, 1912). (2BC 1033.6) MC VC
Chapter 14 VC
21. See EGW comment on 1 Kings 11:9-12. (2BC 1033.7) MC VC
Chapter 16 VC
31. Jezebel Versus the Spirit of God—How few realize the power of an unconsecrated woman. I was carried back to the time of Ahab. God would have been with Ahab if he had walked in the counsel of heaven. But Ahab did not do this. He married a woman given to idolatry. Jezebel had more power over the king than God had. She led him into idolatry, and with him the people (Manuscript 29, 1911). (2BC 1033.8) MC VC
The influence of Jezebel over Ahab was greater than the influence of the Spirit of God, however powerful and convincing the evidence from heaven (Manuscript 19, 1906). (2BC 1033.9) MC VC
Chapter 17 VC
1. Elijah Took the Key of Heaven—Before he [Ahab] could recover from his astonishment or frame a reply, Elijah disappeared, taking with him the key of heaven.... (2BC 1033.10) MC VC
His word had locked up the treasures of heaven, and his word only could open them again.... Ahab did not realize that the prophet had left his presence unrebuked until the man of God had gone beyond recall (The Review and Herald, August 14, 1913). (2BC 1034.1) MC VC
1, 2. God′s Man With God′s Message—God always has men to whom He intrusts His message. His Spirit moves upon their hearts, and constrains them to speak. Stimulated by holy zeal, and with the divine impulse strong upon them, they enter upon the performance of their duty without coldly calculating the consequences of speaking to the people the word which the Lord has given them. But the servant of God is soon made aware that he has risked something. He finds himself and his message made the subject of criticism. His manners, his life, his property are all inspected and commented upon. His message is picked to pieces and rejected in the most illiberal and unsanctified spirit, as men in their finite judgment see fit. Has that message done the work God designed it should accomplish? No; it has signally failed, because the hearts of the hearers were unsanctified. (2BC 1034.2) MC VC
If the minister′s face is not flint, if he has not indomitable faith and courage, if his heart is not made strong by constant communion with God, he will begin to shape his testimony to please the unsanctified ears and hearts of those whom he is addressing. In endeavoring to avoid the criticism to which he is exposed, he separates from God, and loses the sense of the divine favor, and his testimony becomes tame and lifeless. He finds that his courage and faith are gone, and his labors are powerless. The world is full of flatterers and dissemblers who have yielded to the desire to please; but the faithful men, who do not study self-interest, but love their brethren too well to suffer sin upon them, are few indeed (The Review and Herald, April 7, 1885). (2BC 1034.3) MC VC
Chapter 18 VC
17. Rebels Blame Others for Troubles—Those who refuse to receive reproof and to be corrected, will manifest enmity, malice, and hatred against the instrument that God has used. They will leave no means untried to cast stigma upon the one who bore to them the message. They will feel as did Ahab toward Elijah, that God′s servant is the one who is the hindrance, the curse. Said Ahab, “Art thou he that troubleth Israel?” (The Review and Herald, January 8, 1884). (2BC 1034.4) MC VC
36-40. One Who Stood Wholly for God—God would have His honor exalted before men as supreme, and His counsels confirmed in the eyes of the people. The witness of the prophet Elijah on Mount Carmel gives the example of one who stood wholly for God and His work in the earth. The prophet calls the Lord by His name, Jehovah God, which He Himself had given to denote His condescension and compassion. Elijah calls Him the God of Abraham and Isaac and Israel. He does this that He may excite in the hearts of His backslidden people humble remembrance of the Lord, and assure them of His rich, free grace. Elijah prays, “Be it known this day that thou art the God of Israel”. The honor of God is to be exalted as supreme, but the prophet asks further that his mission also may be confirmed. “Let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel,” he prays, “and that I am thy servant, and that I have done all these things at thy word. Hear me, O Lord,” he pleads, “hear me.” 1 Kings 18:36, 37 ... (2BC 1034.5) MC VC
His zeal for God′s glory and his deep love for the house of Israel present lessons for the instruction of all who stand today as representatives of God′s work in the earth (Letter 22, 1911). (2BC 1034.6) MC VC
42-44. Important Lessons From Elijah—Important lessons are presented to us in the experience of Elijah. When upon Mt. Carmel he offered the prayer for rain, his faith was tested, but he persevered in making known his request unto God. Six times he prayed earnestly, and yet there was no sign that his petition was granted, but with a strong faith he urged his plea to the throne of grace. Had he given up in discouragement at the sixth time, his prayer would not have been answered, but he persevered till the answer came. We have a God whose ear is not closed to our petitions; and if we prove His word, He will honor our faith. He wants us to have all our interests interwoven with His interests, and then He can safely bless us; for we shall not then take glory to self when the blessing is ours, but shall render all the praise to God. God does not always answer our prayers the first time we call upon Him; for should He do this, we might take it for granted that we had a right to all the blessings and favors He bestowed upon us. Instead of searching our hearts to see if any evil was entertained by us, any sin indulged, we should become careless, and fail to realize our dependence upon Him, and our need of His help. (2BC 1034.7) MC VC