2SG 156
(Spiritual Gifts, Volume 2 156)
The next day Bro. S. brought us two nice turkeys. We immediately sent them to market and received one dollar lacking five cents. I told Bro. S. that I would send one dollar to Bro. Wheeler. “Well,” said Bro. S., “I will do something too,” and he handed out thirty dollars which was much needed by Bro. W., and enabled him to labor again in the gospel field. After we moved from Saratoga Springs to Rochester, we received a letter informing us that Bro. S. was dead. He died of apoplexy. O, thought I, some who have oppressed that dear brother, and reproached him so unsparingly, and had false dreams and burdens which they spun out of their own bowels to extort from him means which should have been applied to God’s cause, will have to give an account of these things. He received no sympathy from them while his heart was pressed, as though a heavy weight was upon it. When in distress he was told, “When you do your duty, sell and give alms, you will be free and in the light.” That aching heart is now still. He rests until the morning of the resurrection, when we believe he will come forth immortal. Our testimony in Saratoga and vicinity was rejected by the covetous poor, and also by the rich, and the cause went down. (2SG 156.1) MC VC