TSB 54
(Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce 54)
Section 3—A Mutilated Spouse (TSB 54) MC VC
[When he was still a young man Walter C carried out the action that he felt was suggested in Matthew 19:12, and made himself a eunuch. According to Walter, Laura married him with full knowledge of his condition. However, she eventually divorced him and married someone else. After her remarriage, Walter also married again. The letters in this section reveal Ellen White’s earnest endeavor to protect the sanctity of the marriage commitment even in the face of extremely difficult circumstances.] (TSB 54.1) MC VC
Chapter 6—Counsels to Walter and Laura VC
Binding Nature of the Marriage Vow—January 9, 1888. I had an interview with Brother C. His earnest solicitation prevailed upon me to go with him to St. Helena and have an interview with his wife.... (TSB 54.2) MC VC
January 11, 1888. I had a long talk with Sister C, showing her that the marriage vow is binding and could not release its claims upon any of the parties who entered into it, save from the cause of adultery, the violation of the marriage bed. We had much profitable talk upon this subject.—Manuscript 22, 1888. (TSB 54.3) MC VC
Is an Oath Nothing?—June 8, 1888. I wish to present before you [Laura] some few points. Why do you not regard facts as they are? You two registered an oath that has been recorded upon the record books of heaven by the recording angel, that you would love one another until death does you part. Why do you not remember this? Do you so lightly put aside your vows? Should you yield to evil counsel your honor, your oath, your duty? If evil thoughts have come in upon you, if you have had evil advice suggesting your estrangement, is that a reason you should lightly cast aside your oath? Is an oath nothing? Are your own whims everything? (TSB 54.4) MC VC