CD 271
(Counsels on Diet and Foods 271)
As Famine Increases, Foods Will Be Simplified VC
405. The food question has not yet reached perfection. There is still much to learn in this line. The Lord desires the minds of His people all over the world to be in such a condition that they can receive His impressions regarding the combining of certain articles in the production of foods, which will be a necessity, but are not yet produced. (CD 271.1) MC VC
As famine and want and distress shall increase more and more in the world, the production of the health foods will be greatly simplified. Those who are engaged in this work should learn constantly of the Great Teacher, who loves His people, and keeps their good ever in view.—Manuscript 14, 1901 (CD 271.2) MC VC
[Purpose of Health Foods in Supplying the Place of Flesh Meat, Also Milk and Butter—583] (CD 271) MC VC
Christ’s Lesson on Economy VC
406. There is much at stake in this work. The wholesome productions of the earth must be experimented upon in an effort to make wholesome, inexpensive foods. (CD 271.3) MC VC
The food business is to be made the subject of earnest prayer. Let the people ask God for wisdom to prepare wholesome foods. He who fed the five thousand with five loaves and two small fishes, will supply the needs of His children today. After Christ had performed this wonderful miracle, He gave a lesson on economy. After the hunger of the multitude had been satisfied, He said, “Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost.” John 6:12. “And they took up the fragments that remained twelve baskets full.”(John 6:13)—Letter 27, 1902 (CD 271.4) MC VC
Foods From Local Products in Different Lands VC
407. To many in different places the Lord will give intelligence in regard to health foods. He can spread a table in the wilderness. Health foods should be prepared by our churches who are trying to practice the principles of health reform. But as surely as they should do this, some would say that they were infringing on their rights. But who gave them the wisdom to prepare these foods?—The God of heaven. That same God will give wisdom to His people in the different countries to use the productions of these countries in preparing health foods. In simple, inexpensive ways, our people are to experiment with the fruits and grains and roots in the countries in which they live. In the different countries inexpensive health foods are to be manufactured for the benefit of the poor and for the benefit of the families of our own people. (CD 271.5) MC VC