Ev 284
(Evangelism 284)
After several weeks had passed, another call was made for those who had decided to obey the truth. Between twenty-five and thirty responded. Several ministers were present at this meeting and bore excellent testimonies.—Letter 372, 1906. (Ev 284.1) MC VC
Audience Response to Truth in 1844 Movement—This is the manner in which it was proclaimed in 1842, 1843, and 1844.... No unnecessary words were uttered by the speaker, but the Scripture was clearly presented. Frequently a call would be made for those who believed the truths that were proved by the Word, to rise to their feet, and large numbers would respond. Prayers were offered in behalf of those who wished special help.—Manuscript 105, 1906. (Ev 284.2) MC VC
Recognizing Fresh Displays of Conviction—To my ministering brethren I would say: Every fresh display of the conviction of the grace of God upon the souls of unbelievers, is divine. Everything that you can do to bring souls to a knowledge of the truth, is a means of allowing the light to shine, the light of the glory of God, as it shines in the face of Jesus Christ. Direct the mind to Him who guides and controls all things. Christ will be the manna and the spiritual dew to these newly converted souls. In Him is no darkness at all. As men of spiritual understanding conduct Bible studies with them, telling them how to yield to the power of the Holy Spirit, that they may be fully and firmly established in the truth, the power of God will be revealed.—Manuscript 105, 1906. (Ev 284.3) MC VC
Frequent Public Calls—Throw off all appearance of apathy, and lead the people to think that there is life or death in these solemn questions, according as they shall receive or reject them. As you present testing truth, ask often, who is now willing, as they have heard the words of God, pointing out their duty, to consecrate their hearts and minds, with all their affections, to Christ Jesus.—Letter 8, 1895. (Ev 284.4) MC VC