1T 626
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 1 626)
Never should you enter a discussion where so much is at stake, relying upon your aptness to handle strong arguments. If it cannot be well avoided, enter the conflict, but enter upon it with firm trust in God and in the spirit of humility, in the spirit of Jesus, who has bidden you learn of Him, who is meek and lowly in heart. And then in order to glorify God and exemplify the character of Christ, you should never take unlawful advantage of your opponent. Lay aside sarcasm and playing upon words. Remember that you are in a combat with Satan and his angels, as well as with the man. He who overcame Satan in heaven and vanquished the fallen foe and expelled him from heaven, and who died to redeem fallen man from his power, when at the grave of Moses, disputing about his body, durst not bring against Satan a railing accusation, but said: “The Lord rebuke thee.” Jude 1:9. (1T 626.1) MC VC
In your last two discussions you despised counsel and would not listen to God’s servant, whose whole soul was devoted to the work. God in His providence provided you an adviser whose talents and influence entitled him to your respect and confidence, and it could in no way have injured your dignity to be guided by his experienced judgment. God’s angels marked your self-sufficiency and with grief turned from you. He could not safely display His power in your behalf, for you would have taken the glory to yourself, and your future labors would have been of but little value. I saw, Brother F, that you should not, in your labors, lean upon your own judgment, which has so often led you astray. You should yield to the judgment of those of experience. Do not stand upon your own dignity and feel so self-sufficient that you cannot take the advice and counsel of experienced fellow laborers. (1T 626.2) MC VC