1T 623-6
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 1 623-6)
When Brother F is humble and makes God his trust, he can do much good. Angels come to his help, and he is blessed with clearness and freedom. But after a time of special victory he has too often been lifted up and thought himself equal to anything, thought that he was something, when he was only an instrument in the hands of God. After such seasons angels of God have left him to his own weak strength, and then, though he himself was the one at fault, he would too frequently charge upon his brethren and the people the darkness and weakness he felt. While in this unhappy state of mind he frequently bears down upon this one and that one, and, even when his work is not half done, feels that he must remove and commence labor elsewhere. (1T 623.1) MC VC
I saw that Brother F was in danger of going into battle in his own strength, but he will find that strength but weakness in the conflict. While he made God his trust, he has often been successful in combats with opposers of our faith. But he has sometimes felt elated with the victory which God has given truth over error, and has taken the glory to himself in these conflicts. Self has been magnified in his eyes. (1T 623.2) MC VC
I was shown that in his last two discussions he did not have the right spirit. Previous to the first he became exalted by the flattery of men who love not the truth. As he listened to, and acted some part in, a discussion carried on between two who were not in the faith, he became lifted up and thought himself sufficient to enter the battle with anyone. And while he was so confident, he was, in the very act, shorn of his strength. God was displeased with his disregard of the counsel of Brother Andrews. His self-sufficient spirit came near making that discussion an utter failure. Unless there is a decided gain in these combats, there is always a loss. They should never be rushed into heedlessly, but every move should be made cautiously, with the greatest wisdom, for far more is pending than in a national battle. Satan and his host are all astir at these conflicts between truth and error, and if the advocates of truth do not go into battle in the strength of God, Satan will manage to outgeneral them every time. (1T 623.3) MC VC
In the second combat there was much, very much at stake. Yet here again Brother F failed. He did not engage in that conflict feeling his weakness and in humility and simplicity relying upon the strength of God. He again felt a sufficiency in himself. His past successes had lifted him up. He thought that the victories he had gained were very much due to his aptness in using the powerful arguments furnished in the word of God. (1T 624.1) MC VC
I was shown that the advocates of truth should not seek discussions. And whenever it is necessary for the advancement of the cause of truth and the glory of God that an opponent be met, how carefully and with what humility should they go into the conflict. With heart-searching, confession of sin, and earnest prayer, and often fasting for a time, they should entreat that God would especially help them and give His saving, precious truth a glorious victory, that error might appear in its true deformity and its advocates be completely discomfited. Those who battle for the truth, against its opposers, should realize that they are not meeting merely men, but that they are contending with Satan and his angels, who are determined that error and darkness shall retain the field and the truth be covered up with error. As error is most in accordance with the natural heart, it is taken for granted to be clear. Men who are at ease love error and darkness, and are unwilling to be reformed by the truth. They do not love to come to the light, lest their deeds should be reproved. (1T 624.2) MC VC
If those who stand in vindication of the truth, trust to the weight of argument, with but a feeble reliance upon God, and thus meet their opponents, nothing will be gained on the side of truth, but there will be a decided loss. Unless there is an evident victory in favor of truth, the matter is left worse than before the conflict. Those who might formerly have had convictions in regard to the truth set their minds at rest and decide in favor of error, because in their darkened state they cannot perceive that the truth had the advantage. These last two discussions did but little to advance the cause of God, and it would have been better had they not occurred. Brother F did not engage in them with a spirit of self-abasement and a firm reliance upon God. He was puffed up by the enemy and had a spirit of self-sufficiency and confidence not becoming a humble servant of Christ. He had on his own armor, not the armor of God. (1T 624.3) MC VC
Brother F, God had provided you with a laborer of deep experience, the ablest in the field. He was one who had been acquainted in his own experience with the wiles of Satan, and who had passed through most intense mental anguish. He had been permitted in the all-wise providence of God to feel the heat of the refining furnace and had there learned that every refuge but God would fail and every prop upon which he could lean for support would prove but a broken reed. You should have realized that Brother Andrews had as deep an interest in the discussion as yourself, and you should have listened in the spirit of humility to his counsel and profited by his instructions. But Satan had an object to gain here, to defeat the purpose of God, and he stepped in to take possession of your mind and thereby thwart the work of God. You rushed into battle in your own strength, and angels left you to carry it on. But God in mercy to His cause would not suffer the enemies of His truth to obtain a decided victory, and in answer to the earnest, agonizing prayers of His servant, angels came to the rescue. Instead of an utter failure there was a partial victory, that the enemies of truth might not exult over the believers. But nothing was gained by that effort, when there might have been a glorious triumph of truth over error. There were two of the ablest advocates of truth by your side; three men, with the strength of truth, to stand against one man who was seeking to cover up truth with error. In God you could have been a host, had you entered the conflict right. Your self-sufficiency caused it to be almost an entire failure. (1T 625.1) MC VC
Never should you enter a discussion where so much is at stake, relying upon your aptness to handle strong arguments. If it cannot be well avoided, enter the conflict, but enter upon it with firm trust in God and in the spirit of humility, in the spirit of Jesus, who has bidden you learn of Him, who is meek and lowly in heart. And then in order to glorify God and exemplify the character of Christ, you should never take unlawful advantage of your opponent. Lay aside sarcasm and playing upon words. Remember that you are in a combat with Satan and his angels, as well as with the man. He who overcame Satan in heaven and vanquished the fallen foe and expelled him from heaven, and who died to redeem fallen man from his power, when at the grave of Moses, disputing about his body, durst not bring against Satan a railing accusation, but said: “The Lord rebuke thee.” Jude 1:9. (1T 626.1) MC VC
In your last two discussions you despised counsel and would not listen to God’s servant, whose whole soul was devoted to the work. God in His providence provided you an adviser whose talents and influence entitled him to your respect and confidence, and it could in no way have injured your dignity to be guided by his experienced judgment. God’s angels marked your self-sufficiency and with grief turned from you. He could not safely display His power in your behalf, for you would have taken the glory to yourself, and your future labors would have been of but little value. I saw, Brother F, that you should not, in your labors, lean upon your own judgment, which has so often led you astray. You should yield to the judgment of those of experience. Do not stand upon your own dignity and feel so self-sufficient that you cannot take the advice and counsel of experienced fellow laborers. (1T 626.2) MC VC