TDG 124.3
(This Day With God 124.3)
As we walk in the commandments of God, we follow on in the way cast up for the ransomed of the Lord to walk in. The faithful of all ages have walked in this path, and they have shone as lights in the world. In this age the light transmitted from them has been shining with increased brightness upon the path of those who are walking in darkness. Some have received the truth, believed and obeyed it. The light of the third angel’s message has penetrated into many a darkened mind. The light of the wisdom, the goodness, the mercy, and love of God has been shining forth through His holy Word. We are not in the place where our fathers were. Advanced light is shining upon us in these last days. We cannot be accepted of God; we cannot honor Him by rendering the same service, doing the same work that our fathers did. (TDG 124.3) MC VC