8T 153
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 8 153)
Chapter 24—God’s Purpose for His Institutions VC
Newtown, Tasmania,
December 1, 1895
(8T 153)
To the Medical Superintendent of a Large Sanitarium— (8T 153) MC VC
My Dear Brother (8T 153) MC VC
Every institution that bears the name of Seventh-day Adventist is to be to the world as was Joseph in Egypt, and as were Daniel and his fellows in Babylon. In the providence of God these men were taken captive, that they might carry to heathen nations the knowledge of the true God. They were to be representatives of God in our world. They were to make no compromise with the idolatrous nations with which they were brought in contact, but were to stand loyal to their faith, bearing as a special honor the name of worshipers of the God who created the heavens and the earth. These youth stood firm to principle. They lived in close connection with God honoring Him in all their ways, and He honored them. He was their wisdom. He gave them knowledge and understanding. (8T 153.1) MC VC
Today the remnant people of God are to glorify His name by proclaiming the last message of warning, the last invitation to the marriage supper of the Lamb. The only way in which they can fulfill God’s expectations is by being representatives of the truth for this time. (8T 153.2) MC VC
The Lord has wrought through human agents to fulfill the prophecies. He has made sacred, eternal truth stand out plainly amidst the heresies and delusions that Christ declared would exist in the last days. (8T 153.3) MC VC
My brother, you are situated where you can be a representative of the truth for this time. Keep close to the Great Teacher. I saw you holding up the banner on which are written the words: “Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” Revelation 14:12. Several men, some of them those with whom you are connected in the sanitarium, were presenting to you a banner on which was a different inscription. You were letting go the banner of Seventh-day Adventists, and were reaching out to grasp the banner presented to you. One of great dignity approached you and with deep earnestness said: (8T 153.4) MC VC