1MCP 232.0
(Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 1 232.0)
Sodom’s Dissolute Morals—We are not ignorant of the fall of Sodom because of the corruption of its inhabitants. The prophet has here [Ezekiel 16:49] specified the particular evils which led to dissolute morals. We see the very sins now existing in the world which were in Sodom and which brought upon her the wrath of God, even to her utter destruction.—The Review and Herald, July, 1873. (The S.D.A. Bible Commentary 4:1161.) (1MCP 232.1) MC VC
Sins of the Antediluvians and of Sodom on the Increase—Everywhere are seen wrecks of humanity, neglected family altars, broken-up families. There is a strange abandonment of principle, a lowering of the standard of morality; the sins are fast increasing which caused the judgments of God to be poured upon the earth in the Flood and in the destruction of Sodom by fire.—Testimonies for the Church 5:601 (1889). (1MCP 232.2) MC VC
Invading the Church Today—Impurity is today widespread, even among the professed followers of Christ. Passion is unrestrained; the animal propensities are gaining strength by indulgence, while the moral powers are constantly becoming weaker.... (1MCP 232.3) MC VC
The sins that destroyed the antediluvians and the cities of the plain exist today—not merely in heathen lands, not only among popular professors of Christianity, but with some who profess to be looking for the coming of the Son of man. If God should present these sins before you as they appear in His sight, you would be filled with shame and terror.—Testimonies for the Church 5:218 (1882). (1MCP 232.4) MC VC
Shutting the Eyes to Light—Indulgence of the baser passions will lead very many to shut their eyes to the light, for they fear that they will see sins which they are unwilling to forsake. All may see if they will. If they choose darkness rather than light, their criminality will be none the less. (1MCP 232.5) MC VC